Our easy-to-use PDF compressor online enables you to reduce the size of your PDF files in just a few seconds. Follow the simple steps and resize your PDF file instantly.
The first step for compressing your PDF files online is to select the source of the file.
You can opt for a file saved in your PC, Smart Device, or any external memory drive attached to these.
You can also browse through cloud storage locations like Google Drive and DropBox to select a PDF file for compression.
If there is a PDF file on a remote URL, our PDF resizer can also compress this document.
Once you have selected the PDF file to be compressed from a source just upload it on the tool using the convenient drag and drop feature.
For the URL PDF file, just copy the link and paste it into the upload tab.
The process to compress the PDF file will start automatically without any delay.
When the compression process is complete, you can preview the resized file and check for quality and information accuracy.
If you have checked and assured the preview, you have the option to save the compressed PDF file on a cloud drive like Google or Dropbox or download it on your PC hard drive, whichever suits your requirements.
PDF files are widely used in the world for sending and sharing documents with others. It is a convenient and secure document format.
However, while sending PDF files through email or uploading them on the web you need to keep a watch on their file size. Large-sized documents often take longer to upload
Similarly, when you are receiving the documents at the other end, they require more time to download.
Such large-sized PDF files also take up more disk space when storing them on your devices and hard drives.
The solution to these issues is to resize or compress the PDF files.
This is where our premium PDF Compressor online tool comes in handy.
We at Pdftools.net take pride to offer our users the best online tool to compress PDF files for free.
Simple, secure, and efficient it compresses or resizes an unlimited number of PDF files and enables you to save valuable time, energy, and disk space.
Resizing and compressing PDF files may sound like a complicated process. But with our tool, all your hassles and worries go down the drain.
OWithout any expertise and tech knowledge, anyone can compress PDF documents using our friendly and simple PDF resizer.
Some of the effective features of this tool are:
This feature helps improve your productivity and efficiency by letting you simply select, drag, and drop the PDF file in the compression tab.
The process to compress PDF online starts immediately without any delay.
The online PDF compression tool allows you to upload files from your PC or smartphone’s hard drive.
The final file in reduced size can be saved on the PC, smartphone, or any other external drive.
You can upload PDF files from cloud storage spaces like Google Drive and DropBox.
You can also download the final compressed PDF files on the same cloud locations of Google Drive or DropBox.
You can select a PDF file directly from a URL and reduce its size through compression.
Just click on the link, copy and paste the URL of the file in the link box. The process of compression will begin automatically.
Our online free PDF Compressor does not require you to use any specific type of device or computer for your document compression.
You can compress PDF files on your PC, mobile phone, Smart Device, or any other system powered by Windows, Linux, and Mac.
The PDFTools.net’s free PDF compressor is a web-browser based tool. It does not require you to download or install any software.
You can start using the PDF resizer online directly from the website and save disk space.
The website allows you to use our tool to compress PDF files online without going through the hassle of registering or subscribing to us.
No membership or complicated form filling is required of any kind. Just log on to your internet browser and directly start using the tool any time you want from our website.
We reduce the size of your PDF document in just a few seconds. However, we ensure to keep the quality and authenticity of the document intact.
Being the best online tool to compress PDF files, we do not mess up your pages with watermarks or any insignias.
No matter where you are in the world, what device you are using, and what time of the day you are working, you can use our PDF compressor free of charge.
No hidden fees and one-time charges. Our tool is 100% free.
We enable you to compress PDF documents online without any restriction on file size or the number of files.
Just use a good internet connection and the tool will be available for use without any problems.
Use it an unlimited number of times.
Using our premium compressor tool for your PDF files you do not have to worry about your privacy or file security.
Nobody is given access to your PDF files without your consent. All documents uploaded or compressed are deleted permanently from our system every one hour.
Pdftools.net’s online PDF Compression tool has been designed and developed to facilitate its users.
Being the best PDF resizer in the industry, you can use it to compress multiple PDF documents in just a few seconds.